Contests and Critiques
SCSPA offers evaluative services and awards for publications and for individual student
work. Publications receive comments and ratings that reward achievement from nationally-renowned
judges. Individual competitions recognize student work in all areas of journalism
and production.
Publication critiques
Publications must be a member to receive a critique or participate in any contest.
Publication evaluations
Experienced scholastic judges evaluate programs and provide valuable feedback to help
staffs improve as well as award excellence according to established scholastic journalism
standards. Critiqued publications receive ratings based on the judges' evaluations.
Fee: $50
BC & NP evaluations - due December 15; presented at the spring conference
MG & YB evaluations - due June 15; presented at the fall conference
ONL evaluations - due December 15; presented at the spring conference
Individual competitions
BC Individual Awards
Broadcast staffs may compete in all areas: news and feature stories, public service
announcements, graphics, sports coverage, news anchor, reporter, personality profile
or human interest story, short film, man-on-the-street and videography. Awards are
announced at the spring conference. Due date: February 1. Fee: $30.
MG Individual Awards
Literary magazine staffs may compete in 12 categories.. Awards are announced at the
fall conference. Due date: June 15. Fee: $30.
NP Individual Awards
Newsprint individual awards are presented in 20 categories to staffs. Due date: February 1. Fee: $30
ONL Individual Awards
Online staffs may compete in 19 categories. Due date: February 1. Fee: $30.
YB Individual Awards
Yearbook staffs may compete in 14 categories. Awards are announced at the fall conference. Due date: June 15. Fee: $30.