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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Faculty and Staff

Esmaiel Jabbari

Title: Professor
Affiliate faculty in Chemical Engineering
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Website: Research Gate Esmaiel Jabbari
Phone: 803-777-8022
Fax: 803-777-8265

Room 3C13    
301 Main Street   
Columbia, SC 29208

LinkedIn: My LinkedIn profile

CV of Dr. Jabbari

Esmaiel Jabbari

Experience and Education

  • Visiting Professor of Medicine, Harvard Clinical and Translational Center, 2012
  • GI3 Visiting Professor, WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Japan, 2010
  • Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2009


Tissue engineering involves the triad of biomaterial science, growth factor delivery, and molecular biology to engineer devices for cell immobilization and tissue regeneration. Jabbari’s research draws upon chemistry, biology, macromolecular science and exploits biomimetic strategies to engineer cellular constructs for regeneration of skeletal tissues. Biologically-inspired materials combined with micro/nanoscale technologies can potentially create constructs to support delivery, differentiation, and maturation of progenitor cells to multiple lineages to regenerate complex tissues like bone and cartilage. Current projects include: (1) bio-inspired multiscale constructs for regeneration of load-bearing large bone segments; (2) micro-patterned cellular constructs with gradient of growth factors for concurrent induction of osteogenesis and vasculogenesis; (3) multilayer gradient constructs for the regeneration of articular cartilage; (4) cancer stem cell mechanotransduction in an engineered matrix; and (4) synthesis of self-assembled nanogels for the delivery of multiple growth factors in regenerative medicine.

Selected Publications

  • T. Karimi, D. Barati, O. Karaman, S. Moeinzadeh, E. Jabbari, “Developmentally inspired combined mechanical and biochemical signaling approach on zonal lineage commitment of mesenchymal stem cells in articular cartilage regeneration,” Integrative Biology, 7:112-117 (2015).
  • S. Moeinzadeh, D. Barati, S.K. Sarvestani, T. Karimi, E. Jabbari, “Experimental and computational investigation of the effect of hydrophobicity on aggregation and osteoinductive potential of bmp-2 derived peptide in a hydrogel matrix,” Tissue Engineering Part A, 21(1-2):134-146 (2014).
  • D. Barati, S. Moeinzadeh, O. Karaman, E. Jabbari, Time dependence of material properties of polyethylene glycol hydrogels chain extended with short hydroxy acid segments, Polymer, 55(16):3894-3904 (2014).
  • S. Moeinzadeh, D. Barati, S.K. Sarvestani, O. Karaman, E. Jabbari, “Nanostructure formation and transition from surface to bulk degradation in polyethylene glycol gels chain-extended with short hydroxy acid segments,” Biomacromolecules, 14(8): 2917-2928 (2013).
  • X. Yang, S.K. Sarvestani, S. Moeinzadeh, X. He, E. Jabbari, “Effect of cd44 binding peptide conjugated to an engineered inert matrix on maintenance of breast cancer stem cells and tumorsphere formation,” PLOS ONE, 8(30: e59147 (2013).


  • BMEN 271 – Introduction to Biomaterials
  • BMEN 572 – Tissue Engineering
  • BMEN 354 -  Transport in Biological Systems
  • ECHE 300 – Introduction to Materials and Energy Balances
  • ECHE 322 -  Mass Transfer

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2013
  • Berton Rahn Award in Orthopedic Research, AO Foundation, 2012
  • Stephen B. Milam Research Award, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation, 2008

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
