College Forms
- MCEC Advisement Worksheet (student services advisor)
- MCEC Petition Form (general)
- Declare/Remove Minor or Concentration Form
- Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Voucher Request
Department Forms
- Aerospace Engineering Major and Minor Pre-requisite Waiver Form
- Aerospace Engineering Major and Minor Course Substitution Request Form
- Mechanical Engineering Major and Minor Pre-Requisite Waiver Form
- Mechanical Engineering Major and Minor Course Substitution Request Form
- Nuclear Minor Pre-Requisite Waiver Form
- Nuclear Minor Course Substitution Request Form
Registrar Forms
- Special Enrollment/Transient Request [pdf]
- Independent Study Contract [pdf]
- Privacy Release
- Grade Forgiveness
- More Registrar Forms
Graduate School Forms for Undergrads
- Accelerated Bachelor's/Graduate Study Plan Authorization [pdf]
- Senior Privilege Coursework Authorization [pdf]
- Apply to Graduate School
University Processes
Transient enrollment is when you take classes at another institution after becoming a USC Columbia student.
Prior to going transient:
- Use the Course Equivalency Table to look up the institution you want to attend and the courses there which have transfer equivalencies.
- Complete and sign a Special Enrollment Request.
- If you have a professional staff Academic Advisor, submit the form to them.
- If you have a Faculty Advisor, submit the form to MCEC Student Services to obtain the “Advisor” and “Academic Dean” approvals. Faculty Advisors do not approve transient enrollment or sign Special Enrollment Request forms.
- Keep a copy of the approved Special Enrollment Request form, as it will help you enroll at the transient institution.
After enrolling transiently, you are responsible for ensuring that your transcript from the other institution is submitted to the UofSC Columbia Registrar in a timely manner.
Study Abroad opportunities are managed by the Education Abroad Office. They will provide you with the necessary forms and guide you through the process of class approvals, which looks like this:
- With your academic advisor, determine which classes you would normally be taking in the term you plan to go abroad.
- Choose a destination institution based on availability of the classes you need or want.
- Apply to the Education Abroad Office and discuss destination institutions with a possible major match.
- Use the Course Equivalency Table to match the classes you need to the classes approved for transfer from the destination institution.
- Look at the catalogue or website of the destination institution for classes that might count but are not in the transfer table. Contact Assistant Dean Patterson in CEC Student Services for help with equivalencies not in the transfer table.
- Fill out a Study Abroad Approval Form, available from the Study Abroad Office.
- Get the form signed in CEC Student Services and turn it in to Study Abroad.
To be eligible to receive any federal, state or private educational loans funds, students must adhere to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarship's policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress.
If the Financial Aid Office has contacted you about a timeframe review form (satisfactory academic progress, max timeframe advisement, or some other document of coursework remaining for continued financial aid eligibility) then submit the timeframe review form to MCEC Student Services to obtain the "College Official" review and signature.
Academic forgiveness allows for a recalculation of a low GPA under certain conditions.
One condition is that the student has not been enrolled at any campus of the University
of South Carolina for at least 48 months. This and other conditions are described
in the university’s Academic Forgiveness Policy.
A CEC student who has met the conditions outlined in the policy and desires academic
forgiveness must submit a written request for academic forgiveness to Associate Dean
of Academic Affairs through the MCEC Student Services Office. The request must address each condition in the policy.
If a mental health, medical, or personal crisis prevented academic success during a past semester or the Withdrawal Fail (WF) period of a current semester, students may be interested in petitioning for a Hardship Withdrawal.
Can't find your form? Contact Student Services at