Faculty |
Molian, Palaniappa, Ph.D. |
Instructor |
PMOLIAN@mailbox.sc.edu |
Engineering |
Staff |
All, Jessica |
Director of Business and Campus Operations |
803-812-7398 |
allj@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Allen, Lakeshia |
Director, Opportunity Scholars Program |
843-782-8610 |
LXALLEN@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Anderson, Ashleigh |
Head Softball Coach |
(803) 812-7455 |
aka8@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Aquino, Dani |
Head Volleyball Coach |
Assistant Athletic Director |
(843) 782-8619 |
coachaquino@sc.edu |
Staff |
Atkinson, Laura J. |
Director of Human Resources |
843-782-8612 or 803-812-7361 |
LA25@mailbox.sc.edu |
Human Resources |
Faculty |
Banner, Carolyn, Ph.D. |
Instructor |
843-782-8682 or 803-812-7327 |
cmbanner@mailbox.sc.edu |
Public Health |
Staff |
Barr, Rodney |
Director of Athletics |
803-812-7304 |
BARRR@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Beach, Tracy |
STEM Program Manager |
(843)-782-8703 or (803)-812-7345 |
beachta2@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Belangia, Shannon |
Instructor |
belangis@mailbox.sc.edu |
English |
Staff |
Breland, Jennifer |
Administrative Assistant |
843-782-8600 |
brelanjl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Broomfield, Shelby |
Director of Salkehatchie Leadership Institute |
803-812-7354 |
sbroomfield@sc.edu |
Staff |
Brown, Carmen |
Registrar |
803-812-7318 |
cdbrown@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Burns, Francis M., Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
843-782-8681 |
FMBURNS@mailbox.sc.edu |
Chemistry |
Staff |
Carter, Margaret |
Executive Assistant to the Dean |
843-782-8644 or 803-812-7330 |
cartermr@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Cherry, David Lee, Sr. |
Instructor |
843-812-6966 |
cherrydl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Business |
Faculty |
Cone, April, DNP, MSN, RN |
Dean |
843-782-8644 (Walterboro) or 803-812-7330 (Allendale) |
acone@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Cueto, Ana |
Spanish Instructor |
cueto@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Dangerfield, David W., Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
843-782-8641 or 803-812-7338 |
dangerfd@mailbox.sc.edu |
History |
Faculty |
Ferguson, Constance |
Instructor |
dowling@bellsouth.net |
English |
Staff |
Fowler, Frances |
Instructor of Anatomy & Physiology |
FRFOWLER@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Gallagher, Jackie |
Director of Educational Partnerships |
843-782-8694 |
jgalla2@sc.edu |
Staff |
Gant , Willette |
Financial Aid Counselor |
843-782-8609 |
wgant@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Glass, Bill |
Head Soccer Coach |
803-812-7256 |
waglass@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Goodwin, Jessica |
Librarian, Walterboro |
843-782-8627 |
goodwij3@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Gottesman, Carmela, PhD |
Associate Professor |
843-782-8622 or 803-812-7340 |
gottesmc@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Staff |
Green, Rocshe |
Administrative Assistant |
Opportunity Scholars Program |
(803)-812-7487 |
rocshe@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Gruber, Stephanie |
Coordinator of Communications and Marketing |
Instructor of Computer Science |
803.686.4665 |
grubersi@mailbox.sc.edu |
Computer Science |
Staff |
Herndon, James |
Maintenance & Custodial – Walterboro |
843-782-8668 |
herndojc@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Hewett, Lamar, Jr. |
Business Office/Bookstore Manager – Walterboro |
843-782-8608 |
dlhewett@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Houser, Erin |
Head Women’s Basketball Coach |
EIHOUSER@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Iden, Kirsten, Ph. D. |
Assistant Professor of English |
803-812-7329 or 843-782-8697 |
KIRSTENI@mailbox.sc.edu |
English |
Staff |
Jamison, Lesley |
Management Instructor |
Staff |
Johnson, Daniel McDonald |
Head Librarian |
803-812-7353 |
johns943@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Joye, Jeremy |
Head Baseball Coach |
803-812-7343 |
joyejl@mailbox.sc.edu |
Baseball |
Athletics |
Faculty |
Judy, Heather I. |
Adjunct Instructor |
hjudy@mailbox.sc.edu OR heather.judy@dorchesteracademy.org |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Kanapala, Allen J |
Instructor of Computer Science and Engineering |
803-812-7315 or 843-782-8687 |
allenkan@mailbox.sc.edu |
Engineering, Computer Science |
Faculty |
Kilpatrick, Amy |
Academic Advisor |
Instructor |
843-782-8620 |
ak89@mailbox.sc.edu |
Biology |
Faculty |
Kilpatrick, Eran S., PhD |
Professor of Biology |
843-782-8666 or 803-812-7432 |
erankil@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Lai, Wei-Kai, Ph.D. |
Professor of Mathematics |
Division Chair of Math, Sciences, and Professional Studies |
843-782-8611 Walterboro or 803-812-7346 Allendale |
laiw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Math |
Staff |
Lee, Gwen |
iCarolina Learning Lab Coordinator – Allendale |
803.812.7335 |
gl12@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Love, C. Bryan, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor of English |
Division Chair of Arts, Languages and Social Sciences |
843-782-8675 or 803-812-7466 |
bryanlov@mailbox.sc.edu |
English |
Staff |
Lynch, Matt |
Head Men's Basketball Coach |
843.782.8678 |
coachlynch@sc.edu |
Faculty |
Mack, Ahron |
Instructor |
843-782-8603 or 803-812-7396 |
ajmack@mailbox.sc.edu |
Communications |
Staff |
Maggio, Chris |
iCarolina Learning Lab Coordinator - Walterboro |
843.782.8705 |
cmaggio@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Martin, Frank |
Art History Instructor |
martinii@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Mehlenbacher, Conrad (Dutch) |
Professor |
843-782-8664 or 803-812-7310 |
dutch@mailbox.sc.edu |
Art and Theater |
Faculty |
Miller, Sarah, PhD |
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs |
Professor of History |
843-782-8665 |
semiller@mailbox.sc.edu |
History |
Faculty |
Milligan, Daniel |
Instructor |
843-782-8630 |
milligdw@mailbox.sc.edu |
Sociology |
Faculty |
Mogilski, Justin, PhD |
Associate Professor |
843-782-8680 |
jmogilsk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Psychology |
Faculty |
Moore, Carson, DMS, PA-C |
Instructor |
mooredc3@email.sc.edu |
Biology |
Staff |
Nesmith, Patricia |
OSP Advisor & Financial Literacy Specialist |
803-812-7378 or 843-782-8654 |
pnesmith@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Ngwane, Fidele F., PhD |
Full Professor |
843-782-8649 or 803-812-7392 |
ngwanef@mailbox.sc.edu |
Mathematics |
Staff |
Padgett, Kenneth T. |
Maintenance Supervisor |
843-782-8635 |
padgetk@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Palmer, Chester |
Instructor |
803-308-0894 |
palmercd@mailbox.sc.edu |
Political Science |
Faculty |
Peek, John |
Senior Instructor |
843-782-8667 or 803-812-7386 |
peekjf@mailbox.sc.edu |
Criminal Justice |
Staff |
Potts, Ray |
Assistant Director of Information Technology |
843-782-8625 |
RAYPOTTS@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Ptacin, Anna Carol, MSN, RN, TCRN, CEN, PCCN |
Interim Nursing Program Manager |
843-782-8653 |
allandry@uscb.edu |
Nursing |
Faculty |
Rack, Melissa J., PhD |
Assistant Professor |
843-549-6314 |
mrack@mailbox.sc.edu |
English |
Faculty |
Rivers, Jacob , Ph.D. |
Instructor |
riversj@mailbox.sc.edu |
English |
Staff |
Robertson, Carley, PhD |
Assistant Professor of English |
CR150@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Robinson, Isaac, III |
Transfer/Retention Specialist |
803.812.7387 or 843.782.8617 |
robinsi@mailbox.sc.edu |
TRiO Opportunity Scholars Program |
Faculty |
Rosof, Lisa, MA C-IAYT |
Psychology Instructor |
lcrosof@gmail.com |
Psychology |
Staff |
Rowe, Haley |
Director of Student Life |
Office: 843-782-8691 or Cell: 803-373-1959 |
hbrowe@mailbox.sc.edu |
Student Success and Engagement |
Staff |
Sanders, Stephanie |
Administrative Assistant for the Academic Dean & Faculty |
803-812-7319 |
ssanders@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Shaffer, Joyce M. |
Library Assistant – Walterboro |
843-782-8628 |
jshaffer@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Shealy, Martin |
Instructor |
shealyml@mailbox.sc.edu |
Biology |
Faculty |
Smalls, Kevin |
Instructor |
Criminal Justice |
smallsk3@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Stanley, Amy |
Fiscal Analyst III |
803-812-7384 |
astanley@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Steward, Rodney, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
843-782-8632 or 803-812-7472 |
stewarro@mailbox.sc.edu |
History |
Faculty |
Sullivan, Sherri |
Instructor |
Music |
Staff |
Thompson, Andrew |
Director of Information Technology |
AT91@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Vallejos, Yasmina, Ph. D. |
Assistant Professor of Spanish |
843-782-8626 |
YASMINA@mailbox.sc.edu |
Spanish |
Staff |
Williams, April |
Administrative Assistant - Rural Nursing Initiative |
803-812-7435 |
akcapers@mailbox.sc.edu |
Staff |
Williams, Georgeann |
Director of Financial Aid |
803-812-7358 (A) or 843-782-8609 (W) |
willi994@mailbox.sc.edu |
Financial Aid |
Staff |
Williams, Jada |
Campus Shop, Allendale |
Staff |
Williams, Jessica |
Administrative Assistant, Registrar |
803-812-7347 |
Jw192@mailbox.sc.edu |
Faculty |
Wooster, Benjamin |
Instructor |
bwooster@mailbox.sc.edu |
Philosophy |
Faculty |
Young, Margaret |
Instructor |
803-812-7458 |
youngb@mailbox.sc.edu |
Foreign Languages |