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Research and Grant Development Services

  • Vanessa Nelson-Reed, director for proposal development, assists a faculty member with her proposal.

Develop a Proposal

As part of the Carolina Grants and Innovation Hub, Research and Grant Development Services is committed to supporting researchers in the proposal development process, proposal review and submission process.

The CGI Hub specializes in concierge research development services and training aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of federal grant proposals. These specialized services are offered in conjunction with the pre-award services provided by the research grant offices within the colleges. 

Here's how it works. 

  • Principal investigators (PIs) who work in colleges or on system campuses with dedicated research staff should contact their research office regarding their intent to submit a federal proposal and their need for research development services.
  • The college or campus research office should then complete the CGI Hub Services form to request the needed CGI Hub services.
  • The CGI Hub will reach out to the PI and the research office to set up a collaborative work plan that suits their needs.
  • Those investigators who do not have a dedicated research office in their college or system campus should complete the CGI Hub Services form directly, and the CGI Hub team will follow up directly with the PI.

CGI Hub federal proposal development services target faculty and research administrators. Undergraduate and graduate students should contact their faculty mentors or the Office of National Fellowships and Scholar Programs for proposal development support.

Learn more about our levels of service.

Level 1: Basic Services Level

At this level, services are considered basic and take minimal time for completion, such as, but not limited to: 

  • Proposal checklists and submission requirements
  • Competitive review of biographical sketches
  • Assistance with SciENcv, including biographical sketches and current and pending documents
  • Institutional boilerplate language and documents
  • Ancillary or templated documents
  • Budget and budget justification services
  • Finding funding

If you are interested in receiving Level 1 services, please submit a request form at least 2-3 weeks before the agency deadline.

Level 2: Intermediate Services Level

At this level, services will take planning with additional support on campus and possible coordination of contracted services, such as, but not limited to:

  • Technical editing assistance with final drafts
  • Graphic design services
  • University Libraries services with data management and sharing plans
  • Competitive review of proposal

If you are interested in receiving Level 2 services (includes Level 1 services listed above), please submit a request form at least one month before the agency deadline.

Level 3: Advanced Services Level

At this level, services will require significant resources and time for completion. These services will normally take place with the PI teams for complete research development of proposals:

  • Proposal development plan and timeline
  • Grant writing and technical editing services during development of proposal drafts with PIs
  • Team Science support (teaming)
  • Red Team reviews
  • Research funding landscape

If you are interested in receiving Level 3 services (includes Level 1 and/or Level 2  services listed above), please submit a request form as soon as you are considering a proposal for submission. Depending on the size of the proposal and which services you would like at this level, it is best to submit a request form at least six months before the agency deadline.


Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
